2015年2月18日 星期三

Three Lessons I have Learned from Church History

  Three Lessons I have Learned from Church History
All humans learned from experience and through church history we can learn from others' experience and avoid the same mistakes. Therefore, learning from church history helps me to succeed in my personal spiritual journey, the achievement of our calling and assignment. After all the Holy Spirit is the very key.
First of all, the great guidance from the Holy Spirit led the way of the Gospel to where it should go. Through the obedience to Holy Spirit, the Gospel spread from Jerusalem (Jews) to others (Gentiles) by the leading of Holy Spirit and persecutions in early Church (book of Acts). God is the author of History. He is the only one who has the complete blueprint of the map. Searching out His will, surrender myself and be willing to go is the best way to partner with Him for His work. Although the Gospel has been running swiftly all over the nations, as a laborer of God we still need the Holy Spirit to reveal the plan of our heavenly Father to us on a daily basis (Ephesians 1:17-19).
Secondly, in the church history, I admire the Christianity in the early church. It is the best model for me to learn from them: be bold to speak and standing firm for the truth, to love God and love the body of Christ with all of heart and strength, the unity of churches.... The persecution did not stop the truth but express the truth of God even more explicitly. It doesn't seem like those Martyrs just all of a sudden stand up for the truth. Their focus were as dove eyes on Christ Jesus and it was so essential. What they did in evangelism is base on their life living out from the Bible. It makes me keep searching my heart. It is a very good lesson for me to learn how to live today.
Thirdly, I realize how as a servant of the truth of the Words need to be preached. Although Jesus had warned the disciples about false teaching and false prophets would deceive the body of Christ in the days to come, I never know it has such a mass impact to so many people since then. How much I need the Holy Spirit to test what I have heard, what I have read and what have I agreed with. Without the Holy Spirit, the Words is not revealing God but coming out my own understanding in our human knowledge. I know the day is getting closer everyday and I need to learn how to lean on the Holy Spirit even more.

 Through the church history, I can see a bigger picture of God's character and His thoughts for all humanity who have been called. It is a blue print of His thoughts and I am so glad that I am part of it. Although the day is coming, I know how I can prepare myself on a daily basis through the strength of Holy Spirit.

2014年2月18日 星期二

The Calling of Back to Jerusalem Movement

     When Apostle Paul started to spread the Gospel from Jerusalem to the East, the Holy Spirit stopped him and led him to the West.  The trail of the Gospel went to Europe, to America and to Asia.  In 1947, a group of students from the Fengxiang Bible Institute in Shaunxi, China was inspired by the Holy Spirit. Their mission was to take the Gospel pass through the Muslin countries and back to Jerusalem.  They purchased camels and started their journey through the Silk Road to the Middle East.  When they arrived at Xinjiang, the Communists swept to power in 1960 and Christians were forced to go underground, the movement stopped. 

(The first team of back to Jerusalem Movement)   It was not until 1990-2000, the movement restarted.  Many Christians believed that the last baton to take the Gospel back to Jerusalem is for the Chinese.

Back to Jerusalem CH
Back to Jerusalem cross the Middle East countries

     As we can see, the map for the 10/40 window which showed the unreached nations surround Jerusalem are Muslin countries.  God has plan for His kingdom and are preparing the Asians to carry it out.  During the ancient days, the “Silk Road” was the important trade path from the East to the West.  But it wasn’t just for trading.  It was God’s plan to open the door for the Gospel from the East to the West as well.  In Muslin countries, people are familiar with the Chinese.  Beside current economy reasons, Chinese did not have much influence to the Muslin countries in the area of political wars even up to now.  Without historical and political conflicts, Chinese has a much better chance to be accepted by Muslin countries than any other races.  Also Muslins are surprised that the Chinese are under Communist reign but at the same time have religious freedom.  As a Chinese Christian, I have no excuse to avoid this assignment and it is an honor for Chinese to respond to the calling. 
       One night back in 2005 (when my daughter was about 5 or 6 months old), I was just about to fall into deep sleep, I heard someone was saying in my ears, “No one is praying! No one is praying!” I woke up with my half closed eyes and asked the Lord, “What is it? Let me pray for it.”  Then, I felt the voice said, “No one is praying for Jerusalem!”  My mind was kind of thinking… “It’s impossible… None of the Christians in the whole wide world was praying for Jerusalem!” However; I still knelt down and prayed… Before, I had never prayed for Jerusalem at all… and had no idea what to pray.  So I just prayed whatever I could remember from the Bible until I was really sleepy…. So I asked Jesus, “is it enough? I am really sleepy!” But I felt that He wanted me to stay a little bit longer with Him… so I did. Maybe it was long or short after that, I asked Him again, “I am really tired… sorry… can I go now?” My heart felt how much He wanted to keep me as company that night but I end up falling asleep.  Then right after that the same night I had a dream from the Lord.  At the end of the dream, Jesus called me “Peter! Peter!”  It took me a few years to interpret that dream.  God set up a few divine appointments to allow spiritual leaders to help me to confirm that dream. It was then that I knew, as Peter was called to minister to the Jews (his own people), I am called to minister to the Chinese (my own people).  Now, God brought us here to be equipped.  The year we arrived Kansas City, there was a Call to All in IHOPKC about the Back to Jerusalem Movement.  That was the first time I heard about the movement and I felt I needed to be part of this movement.   
        My personal thinking of taking the Gospel Back to Jerusalem Movement should include all the nations in Asia: Korea, Japan, China, India and Russia etc.  Now, the Muslin countries are occupied by Samsung and Apple in the smart phone market.  This is telling me there are so many kind of opportunities to reach these people and not just in the old way.  More than that, I feel God wants us to do it together instead of just a certain nation.  There is a saying: Back to Jerusalem is kind of like a gun facing the West.  Korea is the base of the gun, Japan is the trigger of the gun and China are the bullets.  No matter which part of the gun, without one another, nothing will work.  Right now, in the phrase of IHOPU training, we started interceding for those unreached nations and raising the next generation to prepare them for the age to come.  I feel strongly that unless I become a torch myself, I couldn’t burn long and shine far for His glory. 


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2014年1月15日 星期三

























2013年9月29日 星期日

Why is team leadership better than one sole leader?

        The first thing to be considered about leadership in the bible is servant leadership.   The servant leadership is different in servant-hood.  All Christians are called to server one another.  Jesus showed us a perfect example in washing His disciples’ feet.  When Peter protested, Jesus told him ‘unless I wash you, you have no part with Me.’ (John 13:8)  However, the servant leadership is to lead and to manage with a servant's heart. 
        After Moses led the Israelite out of Egypt to the promise land, he did face many problems, overwork and not able to sustain.  His father in law gave his wisdom to Moses to raise up other leaders and divide into smaller groups to those leaders.  With that advice, Moses was successful in leading those people.  In the New Testament, Paul was giving the structure for the Church of Ephesians about five-fold ministry leadership.  “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;” (Eph 4:11-13)
        Both the Old and the New Testament are pointing out the team leadership from God.  God is the trinity who are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  They are binding in love and honor to show the perfect unity.  It is the picture that God want us to bind in Him with loving Him and loving one another.  There are a few points why team leadership is better than sole leadership:
1.      Working non-stop is not sustainable no matter what your calling is.  Something is always going to break down if anyone works non-stop.  It could be your relationship with family, friends, health issue, and even intimacy with God.   God’s calling to us is for His kingdom not for ourselves.  As a team that will be working together with one goal, one mind to fulfill His plan for His kingdom. 
2.      Working as a team will identify your personal gift and function your gift better.  The church needs to have different gift to make different piece work.  Although the sole leadership is gifted, the body of Christ still needs to have multiple gifts to function right.  Apostle Paul was gifted in many areas.  He was functioning as apostle and prophet, teacher, pastor, and evangelist in his ministry but he pointed out that the team leadership structure to the churches for he knew the church community needs to function in long-term. 
3.      Working as team leadership will help us to live out the Sermon on the Mount  The servant leadership is base on the sermon on the Mount life style: in humble, honor, love and summit to one another.  Apostle Peter was called to the Jews in Israel and functioned in five major gifts to the churches.  Jesus' brother James, was the leader of churches around Jerusalem that Peter still summit to this leadership while he is in that city.  It is a perfect picture to live in Christ-likeness.
4.      Team leadership provides the accountability to one another.  As a church leader, he should live as an example to all followers.  Leaders in churches are facing many temptation everyday.  Many leaders have been tempted by the evil spirit and failed which caused them to leave their ministry.  The team leadership should be built on trust so that they can be accountable to one another in their spiritual life and keep it holy and won’t let Satan break up the team.

The team leadership is the best structure for the churches.  We all have differences for we are all different parts of the body of Christ: functioning in different parts and in different ways.  It brings the better vision from God and fulfills the vision through every one of us.  The beauty of unity is powerful and at the same time it gives the highest glory to God. 

2013年9月21日 星期六

What is justification, sanctification and glorification?

What is justification, sanctification and glorification?

Can Christians willfully sin? What does salvation really mean when we still sin?  Do we really: once get saved and be saved forever? Is God's grace sufficient for us to continue to sin without repentance? Is it possible for us to live a total sinless life and be always in perfection?  Those questions have been in my mind because many were answered by church doctrines but they are in conflict with my heart.  Through this class and assignment, I am able to clarify my thoughts and abide in the truth --- the word of God. 

In 2 Corinthians 1:10 we read: 'Who delivered us [past] from so great a death, and doth deliver: [present continuous] in whom we trust that He will yet deliver us [future].' Christ delivers us from the sentence of spiritual death in past, present and future.  There are three phases of salvation: justification, sanctification and glorification. 

Justification is the stage that saves us, freeing us from the penalty of sin by our faith.  This is the beginning of salvation that God looks at us through the blood of Jesus Christ as righteousness.  Through Jesus Christ, we are adopted as family members of God.  It is our legal position that we are able to connect to God and it refers to our spirit.

Sanctification is the stage to separate us from our sin and the world both in the past and continuous future.  Sin is a power.  While we are justified by the blood of Jesus Christ, the power of sin in us conflicted the power of confession of the Holy Spirit.  However; by the power of Holy Spirit, we are able to confess our sins and ask for forgiveness from Jesus Christ and be cleansed through the blood of Jesus. 

Many different teachings in this stage cause the misunderstanding of salvation.  I think that acknowledging God’s heart about salvation is the most important key to look at for the phase of sanctification.  Since we are all agree that we need salvation, we need to know that God is holy and He wants us to be holy.  There is no sin that is bigger than Jesus’ salvation; however, repentance (turning back to Him) is the only way to keep us in the legal position of God’s family.  The grace of God falls upon us only while we are in Him and sanctification refers to our soul.

There was a period of days that I was dealing with a sin.  I knew that I was wrong but I couldn’t overcome my flesh.  I was using God’s ‘grace’ to allow myself to sin for just ‘this one time’.  However, the Holy Spirit convicted me a few times but I failed again and again.  Until the day, I failed again with a deep sorrow in me.  I was tearing in my little room and said: Jesus! I am not worthy to be saved by You… I want to leave from You and go to the place where I deserve.  After that, I heard a voice from my heart asking me: Are you very sure about this??  As soon as I heard that, I knew that was from the Holy Spirit.  I started crying and knelt down at the cross and said: “No! my heart don’t want to sin but my flesh is so weak. Help me to deal with my sin.”  Since then, the sin I had been dealing with at that time, it appeared once in awhile to my flesh to tempt me but I was able to cry out to God for help not to fall. 

Glorification refers to the final change and redemption of our body.  It is the goal in God’s heart for the salvation to be like Jesus Christ.  This is the stage of completion of sanctification.  When we have our own resurrected body, it will be filled with God’s glory just like Jesus’ body.  It will be the most glorious moment to meet Jesus in the sky.

Our new born life is the process of purification.  To live in holiness is the main purpose of salvation but not to misuse the grace of God.  May we repent and hate sins more and give praise forever to God for His plan of our salvation of justification, sanctification and glorification that delivers us from sin into His holiness.